3 myths about wardrobe consulting
- On March 21, 2017
- #sustainableconsumerism, closet help, confidence, enclothed cognition, hiring a personal stylist, personal shopping, personal style, personal stylist, self-care, wardrobe consulting
Myths – let’s explore
Saint Paul Magazine recently published a feature article about Nancy Dilts Wardrobe Consulting (fabulous article – super exciting!!), But what does that have to do with myths? Bear with me.
For the last few weeks I’ve been getting the question, “Have you had tons of phone calls since the article?” The honest answer? No.
It makes me a little queasy to say that here. But it’s true, and frankly, I didn’t expect to get a huge increase in calls right after the article. Not because the article isn’t amazing or I don’t think my work is important or worthy – I KNOW it is.
Being in this business for several years, I also know that my clients don’t engage in my services impulsively. And that’s ok. In fact, for my work with clients to have the most impact, they need to be ready – ready to embrace feeling good and open to stepping outside of their comfort zones to accomplish that.
Some things that hold people back, though, are just plain myths.
Myth 1: It’s too expensive
My tagline is “style for everyday: new to you – true to you.” New-to-you refers to my focus on practicing sustainable consumerism.
A lot of my clients have never shopped consignment before working with me. They are floored when they realize the quality of clothing they can get at 1/3 or less than retail prices. Even when you factor my fees into the overall investment, you are still spending less than you would on fewer items of retail clothing, and without the guidance, support, efficiency, and success you gain when working with me.
Here are some numbers to make it real: during a 3-hour personal shopping session at a consignment store with a client, we found 28 high quality top brand/designer items to rebuild her wardrobe – including two pairs of boots, two pairs of shoes, and a belt – for $300. I looked up the retail prices of each item, which totaled at a whopping $1,900.
The client had selected my True To You Style service package, which includes a 3-hour Wardrobe Consult in your closet, personal Style Guidelines and a digital “lookbook,” and a 3-hour personal shopping session for $525.
By working with me, she invested $825 overall, less than half the retail cost of the clothing alone.
Myth 2: I can do it myself
Sure, you can do it yourself. But this I know: it will take longer, it will be harder, and you won’t have the same results.
When I tell clients we will get through their (typically-sized) wardrobe in three hours, they are amazed. I know from personal experience that going through your own wardrobe by yourself takes at least twice that long. The emotional energy required and sheer number of decisions to be made make it much more difficult to do solo. I also help clients create new outfits with the clothes they already own, adding energy and increased function to their wardrobes.
Clients are also completely certain that we will never spend a full three hours at one store when personal shopping or find more than 2 or 3 items. Most of the time, clients find as many as 20-30 items in a 3-hour personal shopping session, unless they choose to purchase fewer. And those are items that fit well, reflect their personal style, go with other items being purchased or items at home, and – best of all – make them feel excited about how they look.
Myth 3: I’m not worth it
Women often put themselves last. We are inculturated to feel like it is frivolous to spend money or time on ourselves. We feel our needs are not worth as much as others’ needs. Some of us simply don’t have very much time to spend on ourselves because of the demands of work and life. I often hear women say they won’t address their wardrobes until they have accomplished some other thing, like weight loss or getting in shape.
Here’s the kicker: being intentional about how you dress – right now, as is – helps you to accomplish your other goals. Scientific studies show that when you feel confident in how you are dressed, it has a positive psychological impact, allowing you to have greater success overall. We are all worth taking care of ourselves, no matter where we are in our journeys.
The myth-busting truth
I’m a busy girl on a budget too, so I know about making choices with my time and my dollars. I also know that taking care of yourself, including how you are dressed, is an essential part of your overall wellbeing.
When you work with me, this is what you gain:
Assistance in identifying your current personal style and embracing it
Objective and supportive guidance in making your existing wardrobe more functional through purging things that don’t work, reimagining ways to wear the items that do, and identifying gaps to be filled and items to be replaced
Effective and efficient shopping support for rebuilding your wardrobe to meet your current needs in an affordable way
A closet full of clothing that WORKS for your body and personal style, instead of an overwhelming clutter of items that cause frustration
A better understanding of how to put clothing together to make intentional, polished outfits that reflect your personal style and suit you
Positive, honest advice and feedback and open communication (And even some laughter!)
Countless hours of precious time and energy saved
Renewed confidence and joy in your appearance and feeling your best
Working with me is about so much more than the financial investment or feeling like you shouldn’t. It’s about taking care of your outer self, which is really about taking care of your inner self too. It’s about having someone who can help make daily dressing SO. MUCH. EASIER. Which allows you to live your life feeling good about how you look, right now, today.
Today is a perfect day to start the process of feeling great about how you look.
I always ask new clients how they learned about my services. I won’t be surprised at all if for the next year, and beyond, I hear, “I saw you in Saint Paul Magazine, and I’m finally contacting you!”
What’s stopping you from connecting with me today? Because really, today is a perfect day to start the process of feeling great about how you look.