My Wardrobe Consult
- On October 15, 2015
- clean closet, closet analysis, closet help, clothing purge, cluttered closet, consigning clothes, nothing to wear, personal style, style consult, wardrobe consult, wardrobe consulting
Owner turns into client
“Ugh! I need a wardrobe consultant!” I whined to my husband.
Recently, I made the switch in my closet from warm weather wear to fall and winter clothing. As I dug in, it quickly grew into much more than a switch. It ended up being a full-blown assessment of my wardrobe, which is what I do with clients in a Wardrobe Consult.
As discussed in my last post, my style has evolved some this past year. Partly because of the change in my hair color, and also inspiration from French fashion during our extended stay in Lyon last fall (nostalgic sigh). Things were piling up. I added new-to-me pieces to reflect my new style, but hadn’t done a closet purge in several years.
My closet is on the smaller side, so I store off-season clothing in a closet in the hallway. This is actually good, because it forces me to directly interact with all of my clothes twice a year as I make the swap.
Notice I said “good.” Not “fun.”
Sound familiar?
I LOVE helping others to organize their wardrobes and to make them more functional and enjoyable. I can do that every. single. day. My own stuff? Not so much.
When it’s your own things, your emotions, and – let’s face it – baggage, become a part of the story. Facing stuff that has been lurking in your closet for years, if not decades, can bring up all kinds of internal stuff too.
Why it can be hard to assess and purge
It takes precious time – before you begin, it feels like it will take FOREVER to accomplish anything.
So many decisions have to be made, which is overwhelming, and sometimes even paralyzing.
A lot of memories come up – some good, some bad.
Experiencing guilt of purchases you made that haven’t worked out.
Finding clothes that fit at one time and don’t anymore (too small or too big), or never actually fit, can trigger negative body image messages.
Finding unworn items you like the idea of, but never really were you, nor will be, can also trigger purchase guilt.
Items are outdated or just plain worn out, but have sentimental meaning.
Items are outdated, but aren’t worn out, so it seems wasteful to purge them, even though you aren’t actually wearing them.
Managing gifts from people you love that just don’t work for you, and you don’t want to hurt their feelings by purging them.
My closet’s a different story
When it’s my closet I’m addressing, I quickly get overwhelmed by decision-making. I also can get caught up in self-scolding – this time around I pulled out a bridesmaid dress from a friend’s wedding that occurred EIGHTEEN years ago (or was it 19?) and several other dresses that were 15+ years old and too big, but I had saved them anyway. Why??
I also have the “it’s not worn out” guilt around things that are still in good shape but are no longer my style. Do I keep them, just to have as options? (No. Consign them!)
See, I needed my own wardrobe consultant. Because organizing and purging, especially your clothes, is actually grappling with your sense of self and your personal history.
Having someone who is objective and who can give you support throughout the process with encouragement and gentle, honest feedback can make the process much less overwhelming and much more effective. I help my clients keep a positive perspective, avoid getting bogged down, and have fun in seeing the potential in the items that do work in their wardrobes.
It took me 6-8 hours over two days to completely go through my clothing, which was more than double the time it usually takes when I work with a client. This reminded me how helpful – and efficient – it can be to have a supportive presence to help you along! Working together, we usually get through most if not all of a typically-sized wardrobe in three hours, not only purging, but also creating new outfits with the keepers.
Talking to myself
I had a lot of conversations with myself while I was doing my wardrobe consult. The exact conversations I have with my clients. “When did you last wear this?” “Do you actually LIKE it?” “Does it make you happy to wear it?” “Why do you feel like you need to keep this?”
And I tried to treat myself as I do my clients – with encouragement, support, humor, permission to purge, and permission to keep certain items that just can’t be let go – yet. The bridesmaid dress and other late-90s delights did go. Again, why???
I took three garbage bags of clothes for donation, and I consigned 15 items. I feel much lighter to have cleared out clothing that was doing nothing but cluttering my closet. Others will benefit from my purge, and my wardrobe is ultimately more functional without those items. I also now know what I have and what needs to be added or replaced, which makes shopping more focused and fruitful.
Ready to take the plunge into your closet in a faster, less painful, more productive (and FUN) way? Contact me today to set up YOUR Wardrobe Consult.